
 Photography, nature and travel web links.
News & Reviews  
FredMiranda | Canon Nikon Sony Active forums, user gear reviews, technical articles and more.
Canon Rumors | Forum Speculation, but a fun place to visit.  |  Canon Watch  | Canon Rumors CO.
Canon patents Track what Canon is researching Canon Rumors | Canon News | Canon Watch.
News, articles, reviews, tests CameraLabs | PetaPixelPhotoLife | TechRadar | FstoppersDigitalCamWorld.
Nikon Rumors | Sony α Rumors Nikon and Sony equivalents of Canon Rumors.  |  Also Photo Rumors.
DPReview | Cameras | Lenses DPReview returns but many comparison tests are missing.
Image Sensor World News about image sensors.  |  Sony stacked sensor presentation.
Thom Hogan News MILCs DSLRs All things Nikon, reported by a highly respected observer of the "dark side"!
Northlight Images Blog UK site for articles, reviews and a Canon rumors page.
Lens & Sensor Tests  
The-Digital-Picture  |  Forum Excellent reviews.  ISO 12233 image comparisons. LensRentals MTF stats.
DxO Mark by DxO Labs Features database of DxO Labs' proprietary camera and lens test results.
Photons to Photos Sensor test data and a wealth of photo and optical info. | Lens Patents
Sensor Readout Speeds Measured values for many mirrorless cameras, in milliseconds and fractions.
Optical Limits  |  Lens Reviews Formerly; provides many lens reviews as well as helpful articles.
Photography Blog | Cam | Lens UK-based review site that evaluates cameras, lenses and many accessories.
ePHOTOzine  |  Reviews Reviews of cameras, lenses, accessories, and more plus articles, contests, etc.
LensTip  |  Reviews A Polish site primarily devoted to reviewing and testing lenses.
Mirrorless Comparisons Many camera, lens and accesory comparisons.  |  Best AF for birds in flight.
Lens Rentals Blog Popular blog covering all things gear, with occasional tests and industry stats.
Optical Theory  
Cambridge in Color This site contains useful photography tutorials on many topics.
Edmund Optics Resources  Technical info & calculators. | Tutorials | Technical tools | Sensor resolution.
Depth of Field calculators  CambridgeInColour   DOFMaster   PhotoPills   DOFSimulator
ScanTips A treasure trove of helpful photographic facts and calculators.
Things Up Close Extension tube magnification calculator.
Photomatix HDR tutorial A how-to exposure guide & calculator for high contrast interior/exterior scenes.
PetaPixel tutorials  |  Bit depth? Learn Photography tutorials | 12-bit vs14-bit files?  Does it make a difference?
Color Management Guide All about color spaces, color perception, ICC profiles and more.
DisplayMate  |  DisplayHDR Display monitor gamut info.  |  VESA certified HDR displays explained. | Optics Theory In addition, Clark's Visual Astronomy of the Deep Sky is superb. | Image quality.
Strolls With My Dog Don't let the name mislead; this site is packed with high-tech camera science.
Jim Kasson Blog Camera gear theory & tests aimed at  ". . .getting the most out of [photo] tools."
Norman Koren Norman Koren provides expert tutorials on image sharpness and MTF theory.
DSLR Noise & DR Theory Emil Martinec article, "Noise, Dynamic Range and Bit Depth in Digital SLRs."
Nature Resources  
Chincoteague NWR  |  eBird Chincoteague NWR Map.  |  Trail Map.  |  Assateague Seashore.
Chincoteague Info | Chamber Plus activities & eventsWebcams  |  Museum  |  Weather  |  Climate  |  Tides
Chincoteague/Assateague Sun Sunrise, sunset, twilight times, altitude above horizon, etc. for Chincoteague.
NASA Wallops Island Watching NASA rocket launches from Chincoteague can be a visit highlight.
Cornell Orno. | All About Birds Cornell Lab of Ornothology  |  Cornell Lab All About Birds ID resource.
Cornell eBird | What Bird Cornell Lab of Ornothology bird locator | Mitchell Waite's iBird search.
Cornell eBird Observations Choose a location in Virginia.  |  Local observations.
Atlantic Flyway eBird NWRs  Chincoteague | Blackwater  | Bombay Hook | Cape May | Forsythe
Ducks Unlimited (migration) Atlantic Flyway waterfowl migration updates.
Sibley Bird Info Lots of current bird info from one of the best bird guide illustrators around.
Finch Network | 2023 Forecast Keep up-to-date on Canadian winter bird irruptions southward looking for food.
Virginia Herpetological Society Photo IDs of Virginia reptiles, including turtles, snakes, frogs, lizards, etc.
Butterfly Identification Select by state; also includes moths.  |  Smithsonian  |  National Park Service
Shenandoah National Park Park links: Site Index  |  Maps EntirePark  |  Overlook Miles  |  Services
Shenandoah NP web cameras Big Meadows  |  Pinnacles/AirQual  |   Weather  |   Forecast  |  Climate
Virginia Wildflowers  Skyline Drive Wildflower Calendar  |  October Wildflowers  |  Flower Glossary.
Big Meadows Sun Data Sunrise, sunset, twilight times, altitude above horizon, etc. for Big Meadows.
 Explore Fall  |  Foliage Map Fall foliage maps  |  The Foliage Report  |  Virginia Fall Foliage Report.
Travel Resources  
Colonial Williamsburg | Services Colonial Williamsburg visit info, lodging, dining   Rentals | Weather | Climate
Colonial Williamsburg Planner  Locations MapGuidePhoto GuideTrades | PasturesGardens & Trees
James River Plantations Westover  |  Sherwood Forest  |  Berkeley  |  Shirley  |  Evelynton (not open)
Gardens of Virginia Visit-worthy Virginia gardens, including many historic gardens.
MtVernon|Monticello|Montpelier Presidential homes & museums. | James Monroe's Highland Law Office Library
Scotchtown | Gunston | Stratford Patrick Henry home.  |  George Mason home.  |  Light-Horse Harry Lee home.
Washington Museum|Ferry Farm Washington Heritage Museums | Washington's boyhood home at Ferry Farm.
Museums Railroad | Shannon Air Rappahannock Railroad Museum  |  Shannon Air Museum: early 1900s.
Photographers' Guide to Privacy By Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, © 2007 | Bob Atkins article.
Photography at NPS & FWS sites NPS Policies (see ch. 8.6.6)  |  FWS Policies  |  P.L 106–206 (relevant law)
Weather, Time & Tides  
National Weather Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  |  NWS Radar  |  Forecasts.
NOAA Satellite Server NOAA Geostationary Satellite Server provides visual weather, incl. satellite loop.
NWS State/Region Graphical National Weather Service graphical map forecast tool.  |  30-Day Weather.
National Hurricane Center NOAA hurricane info, ect.  Spaghetti Models  |  Tropical Tidbits
Weather Underground  | Map AKA Wunderground, among best weather sites.  | Zoom Earth  |  RainViewer
AccuWeather | Weather Channel Popular and well-known weather resources.
WeatherSpark   |   Windy Average weather stats.  Virginia.   |   Animated wind fields.
Clear Sky Clock Clear Sky Clock site provides 48 hour sky condition forecasts for astronomers.
NOAA Tides and Currents NOAA tides and other oceanographic conditions.  |  Assateague Tom's Cove.
Salt Water Tides  |  Tides Chart  Other tide aids for planning photo outings to coastal areas.
Shade Map  |  NOAA Solar Calc. Map with shadows & sun direction at a place & time. | NOAA shows elevation.
Elevation Maps Topographic, terrain and elevation maps.
US Naval Observatory
USNO Time Services
USNO Data Services and Time Services pages.  Complete sun and moon info.  Eclipse resource center and Mercury and Venus transit info.
NOAA Magnetic Declination Calculates the magnetic declination of one's location.  Set your compass offset.
Time & Date | World Time Zone Sites that provide date, time and time zone information and maps.
Space Weather For fans of weather on the Sun. Also aurora, comets and near-Earth asteroids.
Astronomy  |  Night Sky Visit our Astronomy and Night Sky pages for more space and astronomy links.
Link Policy  

Link policy: The links on this site, especially those found on the Links page, are selected for informational and educational content and personal interest in accord with fair use.  They provide useful industry news, gear reviews, forums, technical articles, nature reference material (e.g. species identification) and other similar material of interest.  Or they present necessary services associated with destinations for our photographic outings, e.g. lodging, dining, museum info, etc.  (Accomodations and amenities at visited locales are linked for personal convenience only.)

While many pages have unavoidable commercial tie-ins, explicit links are avoided herein to merchants, manufacturers, software producers and other direct producers or sellers of tangible products.   No link is endorsed nor is there any benefit derived therefrom, or indeed, from any of the products owned or discussed within  New content is added only if the content is relevant to the personal informational and educational focus of the Links or other pages.  While this site does not use cookies (we cannot speak for our ISP), some linked pages may do so.

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